Chalandamarz Ursin, Rezzoli

Chalandamarz Ursin, Rezzoli

Rezzoli furniture \ Ursin

Ursin was born from Chalandamarz Engadine tradition.  The designer Damiano Rezzoli wanted to materialize the history of a well known celabration in a luxury object  made to strengthen your belonging to Engadina.


CHF 285.00

12 vorrätig

Artikelnummer: 361-99-0037 Kategorie: Schlagwörter: , , ,

Lieferfrist: 1-3 Werktage



Dienstag – Freitag

14:30 – 18:00

Restliche Zeit auf Termin

Rezzoli Designer Furniture

Via Maistra 212

CH-7504 Pontresina

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